Monday, October 10, 2011

The Bitch is Back

Seniors, holler! 

Unfortunately a new year brings new...freshman, freshman who often don't know the lay of the land. Having seniority, to me, means not having to see the shoes I don't want to see
Fringe boots moccasin things
It was very funny, I was getting some frozen yogurt today, (It's my new obsession, maybe I will blog about it eventually), and I saw three girls wearing matching grey 3-row fringe moccasin boot things.
It's just so funny, don't they know they aren't supposed to wear those? I'm not even sure if you can see all three pairs present in the photograph, but they are there. Did I mention they were matching?

And here we have some little freshies breaking the law! I do try to stay somewhat humane in these posts and keep my victims anonymous. However in this next photo, the un-cropped version is absolutely hilarious because there's a freshman girl looking right into the camera but she can't do anything about it! Why? Because I'm a senior of course


Monday, April 11, 2011

You jump, I jump

 Markers, Nylon, Free People catalogue, Jalouse

I love hands, which reminds me of two things:

I need to buy some cool rings
Rose: You liked this woman. You used her several times.
Jack: Well, she has beautiful hands, see?
Rose: I think you must have had a love affair with her.
Jack: No no no, just with her hands.
She was a one-legged prostitute. 

Makes my heart sink ;)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last month was my seventeenth birthday, an event that went by with little celebration. 
The one gift I did get from my mother was a beautiful coffee table book of Audrey Hepburn magazine covers


I was really excited, it's inspiration bound in a hard cover! 
I was in the middle of saying thank you and shuffling through the pages when my mom said to me that she figured I was into Audrey because of the wallpaper on my blog.
Grace Kelly, everybody. 
This is Audrey Hepburn...

...and this is Grace Kelly

Both beautiful and both iconic; however, two separate women

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm back!

Is anyone there? 
These once-abundant lands might have seemed barren these last few months
but I assure you,
whoever is left of my previously loyal following,
I'm back

and with plenty of vintage and sass to make up for what I missed.

Above, I don an Urban Outfitters sweater, one-of-a-kind Levi shorts from LF, DV by Dolce Vita shoes, and a Forever21 necklace

The necklace was an interesting purchase because the feathers give a really cool native vibe; however, there is also that plastic that one would expect when buying a $5 accessory! This sweater is incredible really, Olivia just bought it a few days ago! Unfortunately, it already made it though the washer/drier so even though (thank Gawd) it's kept its shape, it has lost its waffley softness :( I look so silly in the last photo, my signature pose. There is something about sweaters and breasts that just doesn't look very fashionable. Heck, that won't stop me!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't care what you say, if you don't know who this is then you are not a Skins fan.
And no, I'm not talking about Kate Moss, although the shot of her makes me crave leather as much as I crave summer. And British people.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year must haves!

1. Mila Kunis- as JACKIE
2. A Watch- I never know what time it is
3. A sexy boy- this one especially
4. Perfume- I'm sure everyone is tired of me smelling like Juicy, but my bottle is 3.2 oz...
5. A beach- or at least a solarium
6. Flowery bikini- because it's so darn pretty
7. A New Gym Membership- Ok, so I am a pretty faithful LA Fitness goer, but yesterday the lady at the front desk was such a bitch! I wanted to bring a friend from 'out of town' and when I told her that the guy I signed up with told me I could bring friends from out of town, she replied, "That sucks," and made us pay a $15 guest fee. Plus Crunch looks awesome, and they don't judge!

However, my spinning instructor yesterday was blasting Talking Heads and Tears for Fears. What a legend!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

She said what!?!

I love this comic I made a few weeks ago, but a lot of people have trouble understanding it!
I guess I figured people would assume I was making fun of Al Gore because of the '<3 our convenient savior' sign, or at least they would realize that I was making fun of Steve Jobs because of the turtle neck! A turtle neck... Steve Jobs...duh!

Salad forks serve no purpose! Gah!